Throughout the duration of the sessions thus far, I have been interested in many ideas as a stimulus for my performance. I knew that I wanted to involve the audience by either allowing them to relate to my performance or for them to actually participate. After researching Tim Crouch, I recognised that he too, liked to include his audience within his performances. Although this idea of mine didn’t directly relate to Crouch’s work, it does however, resemble his artistic intentions.
There was a range of ideas that I had thought of exploring, from the theme of temptation to wanting to physically create a world of mystery and imagination. These ideas seemed too far-fetched and I had a lot of difficulty executing them to a professional standard. I was also unsure of the meaning behind my ideas and was ultimately not connecting to any of them. This meant that a change of direction was needed.

I recently came across an image that made me rethink my intentions. The image stated ‘THE EARTH WITHOUT ART IS JUST ‘EH”. This inspired thought about a world which exists without all artistic influences. A world which I could explore in a performance format. I was imagining life without music, sculptures, paintings, film, theatre, books and fashion etc. These forms of art don’t seem to fit under just one category, meaning that my performance would not be focusing on specifics and instead giving a general overview. I decided that if this was the direction I was to take, I would need to condense what I classify as “art” for the purposes of this project. In my opinion, flowers coincide with this notion of earth and art and I would really enjoy experimenting with them in order to explore this concept.

After discussing this idea with the rest of the group, I opted to take things in a different direction because my idea seemed too broad to explore. I understood that if I wanted to make further progress I would need to condense my content, but because I had generated so many ideas around this topic, it was too difficult to choose a specific path to follow.
After looking over my mind maps to influence my decision, I had noticed my passion for wanting to experiment with flowers. I decided that this was to be my stimulus.